Register here
• Registration for Authors:
To be considered for final acceptance and publication, authors of accepted papers and projects should register by July 15, 2018, 11:59PM PST.
• Registration for keynote speakers, chairs, and workshop leaders:
If you are a keynote speaker, a chair, or a workshop leader/author, please reach out to 2018@acadia.org about registration.
• Student Scholarship Application Eligibility:
If you have a “Peer-reviewed Research Paper” or “Jury Selected Project” accepted, and you have registered for the conference, then you will be eligible for a Student Scholarship. Please visit the Student Scholarship Application Page for more details. A current Student ID will be required to validate Student Status during the Conference.
• Workshop Registration:
Registration for the workshops will open in mid to late August 2018. All workshops will happen simultaneously over the three days before the conference, from October 15 to October 17. Registration for Workshops is entirely separate from the Conference Registration.